
Step 1: Business Analysis -
Global BI will need to gain a basic understanding of what your business is and the goals you have for implementing Power BI.
You will also need to share what kind of reports you are looking to have created and what audience will be accessing the reporting.
Step 2: Data Analysis -
The focus of this step is to understand, gather, and connect your data to Power BI for efficient reporting.
Global BI will need to learn exactly what the content of your data is, how it is being produced, and where your data is stored.
*This process may take some time depending on the current state of your company’s data.
With this, Global BI may request sample data to start work on report development.
Step 3: Report Development -
Once data is obtained, Global BI will create a variety of reports to provide a first draft of Power BI reporting.
After these reports are created, Global BI will present them then collaborate with you to determine what adjustments may need to be made.
Quality assurance is a focus of this step as well. Global BI will scrutinize the reporting in Power BI and compare it to source data to ensure accuracy.
Step 4: Report Distribution -
In the final stage of the process, Global BI will deploy your Power BI reporting your audience.
To do this, you will need to purchase the proper Power BI licensing for the audience who will be interfacing with your Power BI reporting.
Global BI will be able to give recommendations on which licensing suits your personnel best.
After all steps have been completed, Power BI reporting will be able to go live.
We will then discuss how reporting will be regularly updated and maintained.